Monday, December 22, 2008

File 0004: Emergency broadcast

All right chummers, I realize i've been out of the loop for quite some time. The long and short of it is about a year ago, I had some business come back on me in a bad way. I had to get out of the sprawl for a while. I liked it so much out there, I'd decided to stay down there. Live out my silver years in tropical paradise, that kind of thing.

All was going great until a week ago. I received word through an old acquaintance that two of my friends have gone missing. Ordinarily, I'd just pass it off as part of the job. People like us have to disappear from time to time, you know? But one of them, she's...well, she's special to me. We have channels through which we notify one another that any sudden absence is just business as usual. I've heard nothing.

Here the data on my chummers:

First, is an orc by the name of Deacon Sandoval. Goes by the nickname "Sandy". He's nova hot when it comes to anything with engines, and runs a garage out of Tacoma. Lives in the apartment above it, and rarely gets out.

He's average height and build for an orc, usually wears his hair cut short - like fresh out of boot camp short - , blonde, green eyes. Most identifying mark is a nanotat of an undulating eastern dragon on his chest.

[[attached file: sandy.dat]]

The other is one Mrs Talia St. Clair. She's a faded Otaku, formerly a member of the now defunct Netfall Tribe. In the shadows, she goes by the handle "Seeks the Node"

She's in her mid thirties, very slim in build, has bleached blue hair, pale complexion, and smokes like a chimmney.

[[attached file: talia.dat]]

I'm offering good nuyen to anyone who returns them safe and sound, or provides information that leads to their locations.

I don't as you for much dear readers, but I'm desperate here.

Contact me here, or via any of the usual channels with anything you come up with.


Anonymous said...

Our tribe may be no more, but our bonds are stronger than ever, my friend.

The brothers and sisters of Netfall will aid you in any manner you require Billy.

Anonymous said...

Bad news Billy.

They found Sandy dead on the curb outside of a Puyallup chiba clinic this morning.

The docs said it looked like whoever did him took their time, making sure to cut him up real good.

I've got dumped what leads i have so far into our usual datastore.

I'm sorry, omae.

Anonymous said...

I've hired the Netfalls for a few 'Runs, they're good people, loyal, honest and everything. (Yeah, I was one of those Johnsons who didn't care if you needed a 'Deck or not, only if you could do the job.). Still keep a few of the individuals on the ol' Rolodeck for specialty work.

Never met StC personally, but her fingerprints were on a few of the items I needed done. Crisp, clean, and no additional tricks waiting for me.

If something happened to her, they're going to be in a world of hurt Matrix-Wise. Hope they like being hunted the all over the Light, for every crime in the book, and then some.